Feline Shelves

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Our Catification Services:

O'Reilly and Bentley have come together to offer cats the following catification cat shelf services and consultancy. Limited orders are now being taken for the New York metropolitan cat populations.


Spokes cat for shelters, hooman support and pet insurance, O'Reilly offers entirely custom cat shelves. Beyond custom design innovations, fabric covers, brackets and shelf sizes, O'Reilly provides for behavior evaluations. Shelving recommendations are based on behavorial issues and the needs of single and multi cat households. Placement of cat doors, on and off ramps along with activity stations can be assessed, all to be comcatible with each feline puursonality. O'Reilly has a hooman ready to meet your cats, assess interior design and develop a custom shelving plan with installation. A limited number of orders are available for the New York City feline community. O'Reilly has pawed a collaboration agreement with a wood workshop in Brooklyn.


O'Reilly chases Bentley up and down cat shelving. Bentley is the Chief Tom of Design and Testing. Bentley been raised on the dimensions of the 3D plane. Proper placement of spiral stairs, shelves, activity stations, scratchies and bridges can make for a most enjoyable cat terrain. Bentley is assembling a collection of shelf designs including brackeless, spiral stair cases, scratchies, sisal poles, bridges and run ways. Bentley is also developing a sanitary shelving system for use in sanctuaries, shelters, clinics and cat hotels. Along with proper behavioral care and guidance, Feline Shelves™ can keep the peace in multi cat indoor terrains, satisfy their scratching needs, bring out their inner cat and certainly purrvide for a more contended cat. Bentley's showcase opening will soon be announced to demonstrate the collection.

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